Spelling words with ea that sound like short e

Special Word Sounds/Spelling | Mrs. Judy.
EA Words (that sound like the ea in.

What are two words with a long e sound but spelled ea? That's easy peasy! What words have a long e sounds spelled ea? meat, I think! What words have a long a sound
Teaching spelling and vocabulary is easy with VocabularySpellingCity! Students can study and learn their word lists using vocabulary and spelling learning activities
Home > Reading and Spelling Lessons & Word Lists> Word Lists Index > Special Category: "ea" as
Special Sounds ANCHOR WORDS Here are the Phonemes (or Sounds) with the possible corresponding Graphemes (or Letters). IDEA: Put each example on blank index cards
Spelling the long vowel sound /e/ ee, ea, e-e, y. This course teaches English spelling rules with interactive practice, helping learners with problems such as
Spelling list: Short /e/ spelled ea: Set 2. This list has some longer words with the short /e/ sound spelled ea. This spelling list was created by Spellzone on 12 Oct
Spelling list | Word list - Short /e/.
Spelling words with ea that sound like short e
Spelling list | Word list - Short /e/.